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Our Mission at Stand Up To Trash is to protect and conserve our ocean by raising awareness of the negative effects caused by plastic pollution through environmental education for future generations. 

We are committed to providing ways for people in the Stand Up To Trash Community to partake in a movement that will help save our oceans, beaches, and wildlife from trash pollution.



Meet us at the beach for an organized beach

clean up! Help us rid the ocean and our

beautiful beaches from trash pollution. Your

hands-on effort makes all the difference! Just

bring your positive spirit and smile, trash bags

and gloves will be provided. 

Ridding the ocean of trash and plastics is our passion and inspiring others to do the same through awareness is our mission! 


Join the Stand Up To Trash ​Community!  Our focus is to clean our oceans and protect our beaches for future generations. We exist to make a difference and we're so excited you want to be a part of it! Learn how you can take part below.


Meet us at the beach for an organized beach

clean up! Help us rid the ocean and our

beautiful beaches from trash pollution. Your

hands-on effort makes all the difference! Just

bring your positive spirit and smile, trash bags

and gloves will be provided. 


Our Goal

Inspiring sustainable changes to be a part of the solution.

Our Vision

We believe in caring for the community and the planet. We’re here to inspire and educate. Nourishing the importance of responsible ocean stewardship by adopting and embracing new sustainable habits.

Sea Turtle


Help protect our beloved oceans and the beautiful animals that dwell in it.

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